how to download google duo app

A new application for fans of free calls! It just came out, it's called Google Duo, it's hyper-simple and it already boards!

Why choose Google Duo?

Indeed, what interest to download Google Duo while you already have a pleiad of applications to call free on your smartphone? Well, if this new product of Google announces nothing particular in the application of calls in itself compared to its many competitors, to make the difference, the company relies on the simplicity even minimalism - bartering the concepts Multifunction devices against reliability and peak performance, and two unique features. Details in comparison.

No chat, no stickers, no geolocation, Google Duo offers no other service apart from video calls for now but soon also in audio. Nevertheless, the application fulfills its promises: no latency nor couac, the call starts quickly and very clearly, compared to other apps.
Google Duo is only dedicated to smartphones and requires a phone number, so a SIM card. So, no use on PC or even on tablet, unlike WhatsApp or Skype .
By contrast, Google Duo has an advantage over Facetime that is only available for iOS, since it is available in Android and iOS.
While it shares with WhatsApp, Skype or Wire, Google Duo encrypts conversations that no one can access, not even the company.
An interesting feature against unwanted interruptions due to connections, the application automatically switches from one network to another, in Wifi or in 3G, to maintain the course of the call and switches to audio mode in case of loss of connection. This can of course call into question the guarantee of free access.
Finally, the uniqueness of the app, a novelty in the world of mobile telephony, the Toc Toc (or Knock Knock) function that allows you, during 30 seconds, to see your caller, and thus its context, even before deciding to take The call or not.